Assessment: Key Stage 1/2/3

A gradual shift to assessing without levels

BAM Tracking | BAM Tasks | Got It? | Assessment Package 1 | Assessment Package 2

'Build-a-Mathematician' (BAM) Progress Tracking (2014 NC)

Our new 'assessing without (NC) levels' suite of assessment materials - based on the Kangaroo Maths Mastery Indicators - is intended to be used alongside our schemes of work. The structure for assessing without levels, and building a picture of a mathematician, is listed on the overview page of each scheme of work. The following document summarises key information from all the stages.

The BAM Tracker enables teachers to build a picture of their pupils and generate individual profiles. It is based on an idea in 'Embedded Formative Assessment' (Dylan Wiliam, 2011), and the intention is that it is used formatively throughout a year. For those schools wishing to use a similar approach but based on complete curriculum coverage and supporting a summative, diagnostic analysis of the Kangaroo Maths 'Got It' assessments, enhanced trackers are available to purchase for each individual stage.

BAM Progress Tracker sheets enable pupils to be part of the effective tracking of key conceptual indicators that underpin progression in mathematics.

'Build-a-Mathematician' (BAM) Tasks (2014 NC)

Assessment tasks to support the process of building a picture of a mathematician. These BAM tasks are ideal to consolidate intended learning, support deliberate practice sessions and/or use as homework tasks. The carefully crafted questions have been designed to assess fluency, reasoning, problem solving and a student's ability to apply their understanding. One further question will always focus on a misconception.

Stage 1

Stage 1 BAM Tasks should be used alongside these teacher notes. Thanks to Polly (Glenfall Primary), Martin (Swindon Village) and Deborah McCarthy for developing and contributing to these resources.

Stage 2

Stage 2 BAM Tasks should be used alongside these teacher notes. Thanks to Polly (Glenfall Primary), Martin (Swindon Village) and Deborah McCarthy for developing and contributing to these resources.

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6

Stage 7

Stage 8

Stage 9

Got It?

A collection of holistic assessments designed to assess pupils' understanding of all the key concepts within a stage and help build a mathematical profile against age related expectations. The assessments are structured in an order such that Question 1 assesses statement 1 in the medium term plans (the 'Stage X Mathematics' jigsaw diagrams), Question 2 assesses statement 2 and so on. Produced in association with the AET Mathematics Team.

Assessment Package 1

This Kangaroo Maths Assessment Package has been designed to support formative and summative assessment procedures in primary and secondary schools. In addition to the Got It? resources, there are two further types of assessment included:


For those schools wanting to create tests, the TestBank provides questions based on the expectations of the 2014 National Curriculum. Most of these questions are the same as those in the Got It? documents described above, but arranged in the same order as the units of the Kangaroo Maths schemes of work. End of section assessments for each stage of the schemes of work are easily created by copying the relevant section. Available as PDF files for Stages 3 to 9 and complete with markschemes*.


The examinations provide a collection of questions, very similar in style to the Got It/TestBank questions, which provide full coverage of the Kangaroo Maths Mastery Indicators and Essential Knowledge statements outlined on the overview page of each of our schemes of work. Available as PDF files, there are two papers of 60 marks each (except Stage 3 which is 50 marks each). Stages 5 to 9 are presented as one calculator and one non-calculator paper. Complete with markschemes.

Assessment Package 2

The second Kangaroo Maths Assessment Package is now complete and available to order. It provides a new suite of 'Got It?' assessments, a new set of 'TestBank' questions and a new collection of examinations covering each stage from 3 to 9. Due to the way in which these resources are created (see information for Assessment Package 1), there are exactly the same number of questions assessing exactly the same skills in exactly the same order. Some of the questions in Assessment Package 2 are deliberately very similar to questions in Assessment Package 1 resources.

Please note that Assessment Package 2 includes a new set of 'Got It?' resources that are not freely available online.

This package has been produced due to popular demand. There are a number of reasons for purchasing both Assessment Packages, depending on schools' individual approaches to assessment. For example:

  • Assessment Package 1 resources used at the start of the year and Assessment Package 2 resources at the end of the year
  • Assessment Package 2 resources used to assess progress made in addressing the gaps in pupils' mathematical profiles as identified by the use of Assessment Package 1 resources
  • Assessment Packages 1 and 2 used in alternate years to ensure no repetition





Please note that the resources below are related to the old National Curriculum and are not being updated.

¿Convinced? | Single Level Tests | Level Ladders | Levelopaedia

¿Convinced? ('Old' NC)

A resource package based on the assessment criteria from Levels 3 to 8, as coded and paraphrased below. Self-assessment opportunities are included, and they also form part of the (old)interactive schemes of work. Take a look at these user notes for detailed information about their design. Thanks to the Gloucestershire Maths Advisory Team and the Herefordshire School Improvement Service for their contributions.

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8

Single Level Tests ('Old' NC)

A resource package providing sets of assessments based on National Curriculum levels to help produce a mathematical profile for students. Ideal support for identifying strengths and areas for development in order to close gaps in achievement, and also for ensuring that tracking data is robust and accurate. Thanks to the AET Mathematics Team for developing and contributing all of these resources.

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3


Level Ladders ('Old' NC)

Written from a teacher's perspective to give a sense of progression through each of the topic areas below.

Levelopaedia ('Old' NC)

Okay, so it's a silly made up word, but we hope that these might prove useful. The Levelopaedia provides exemplifications and probing questions for each of the 'assessment criteria' for every National Curriculum level. This resource has been produced by the Gloucestershire Maths Advisory Team, and there is also an e-profile to help in the process of building a picture of what pupils can do in mathematics.